During lockdown I started going through old poetry and thought about recording some. I downloaded a free piece of Audio Software and started tinkering.
From there I got really into audio and 'music' making and have been steadily making work since. Still learning a lot here but find it really interesting and satisfying. There is something good about being able to conceive and realise something in hours or weeks rather than years.
10 tracks about space travel and the wonderfully retro Voyager mission and the people who made it happen, mashed up with samples from the 'golden record' attached to the Voyager's side.
This one sounds like an actual album of coherent and enjoyable music.
Direction of travel
A collection of poems about lockdown and the English countryside set to music/sound. I call this an 'antipastoral'.
These are themes I wrote for a piece of long fiction that I am working on, A soundtrack before the final piece.
Argentum the name of a city state that is encapsulated in an iron cyclinder 100 miles across and 25 deep that sits in the middle of a vast ocean.
The themes are therefore metallic, unsettling and dark.
Tempus fidget
Antsy and awkward, cross rhythmic and difficult like an impatient teen.
June 2023
I was writing a piece of poetry called 'A taxonomy of dark' at the time I wrote these. I was thinking alot about the quality of light and dark and their multual independence.
Dec 2023
The uncertainty principle
A very long time after the event I made a three part documentary-cum-creative piece about riding 1400km with nowhere near enough sleep. Combines voice notes from the bike with commentary, music and soundscapes.
Behind you now
These six pieces are a sound track for twilight walking at summer on a flat landscape, maybe a beach. Norwich. Dungeness. Paekakariki. Murawai. Deauville. Brighton.
Behind you now - relief that the full blaze of the day is gone, but also the feeling that maybe something is going to get you. Cool uncanny, unease at the thought of better days, time slipping away like a tide into night.
Four tracks mostly about rhythm: poly, multi, euclidian, cross, complex, drifting, irritating, pleasant. Pushing the clock, messing with time.
July 2022
These tracks were inspired by a single quick sample of birds that I was sent from Aotearoa (NZ). I reworked the sample and got lost in the world of 'small resonators' while at the same time thinking about how weird birds are - or how weird we are to them.
The title comes from Bruegel's painting where the fall of Icarus happens way in the distance and is barely noticed and the great Bill Hammond's riff on that.... More about this piece over here
May 2022
Short pieces, about 2 minutes, distillations.
Kinein = κίνησις = Ancient Greek 'to move'
April 2022
Experiments and learning pieces from me getting my head around contempoary music production. Not dance music and not glitch and not modular and not tunes but somewhere inbetween.
They are mixed for headphones as I don't really know how to mix properly anyway :-)
Images from a visit to Solva Mills, Wales 2020.
Oct 2021